Is Veganosaurus your real name?
(And other FAQs)
Who are you?
Hi! I’m Susmitha Veganosaurus. *waves*
- I’m a boss level vegan
- I’m fully into spirituality (reiki, tarot, crystals, chanting, moon cycles…gimme all the magics)
- And people say I’m friendly, cheerful, and radiate a vibrant energy of joy*
*Good. That means they haven’t foolishly called me at any time that involves “a.m.” in it.
On any given day I like to involve myself in several different activities (and inactivities). If I had to do only one kind of work or create with just a single type of media I’d never want to crawl out from under my blankets (several layers of them).
Every day, after a super leisurely late morning routine I ask myself, “what do you feel like doing right now, darling?”
Then I begin doing it. And I go deep…until I feel like meandering on to something else. Meandering is life!
To my own amazement, my various projects and endeavours make steady progress. Work chugs along while also leaving me copious amounts of time to read Discworld on a loop, binge Apple TV+ shows, and simply potter about my house all day dreamy.
Oh and I’m addicted to courses. Teaching them and learning from them.
If my high school teachers read that, they’d scoff till they choked.
Well, I’m not the girl I was then. Except for the being a lazy ass part. That I continue to be.
I just do it waaaay more efficiently now. And I can teach you how.
What is this website? is your source for help with going and staying vegan, running (one or multiple) conscious businesses/creative projects, and sprinkling spiritual practices all over your life like magic fairy dust.
Have a vegan business (or want to start one)? You can learn how to:
- Start, build, and grow your brand joyfully – without letting it suck up your identity and energy like three ply tissue paper on a little patch of water
- Electric fence your boundaries, and train your customers and colleagues to respect them
- Enjoy more fruits with less labour – instead of letting your labour turn you into a bruised, squishy fruit
And talking about squishy fruit… - Tweak your brand messaging just right so your ideal clients swarm in like zombie fruit flies craving ripe banana brains
(Because time flies like an arrow; fruit flies like a banana. hehehe Couldn’t resist.)
Want to explore veganism? You can learn how to:
- Go vegan, and more importantly, stay vegan
- Have so much fun while you’re at it, you’ll wonder why you didn’t make the transition sooner
- Deal with morons who say tiresome shit like, “plants have feelings too; circle of life; deserted island” (IYKYK)
- Whip up scrumptious dairy alternatives, baked goodies, plant exclusive dishes – and be surprised at how ridiculously simple they are to make
And everyone can learn how to:
- Be your true, authentic self in your business and creativity
- Meditate, Manifest, Visualise…Affirmate(?) – smoothly infuse spiritual practices into your daily life
- Pursue multiple passions, interests, and skills with plenty of time for leisure and lazing
How do you help me with all that?
Free resources like these:
- Vegan Business and Marketing Tips Audio Course & Workbook
- Vegan Recipe Blog
- Vegan Recipe Videos
- Meditation Recordings
Articles/Podcast Episodes like these:
- The Importance Of Taking Time Off From Your Work
- Meditation: Activating Your Energy Protection Shield
- My Baked Tofu Formula For Joyful Success In Life And Business
- The Unique Difficulties And Advantages Of Being A Multi-Passionate Woman
- Five Tips To Help You Tap Into Flow State
- Five Simple Ways To Be Kind To Yourself
- Ease Is Your Default Setting: 8 Ways To Simplify Your Work And Life
- How To Make Sustainable Progress After Starting Something New
- How To Stop Being At The Constant Mercy Of Your Smartphone
- Do You Struggle With Shiny Object Syndrome? This One’s For You!
- The Magic Of Scheduling Your Life According To Who You Are
- How To Use The Emotional Spiral Chart In Your Business, Life And Creative Projects
- Is That Collaboration Worth It? Don’t Commit Until You’re Sure
Signature Courses like these:
Workshop Recordings and Mini-Courses like these:
- Easy Healthy Vegan
- Mindfulness And Food
- Ignite Your Joy
- Eliminate These 5 Mistakes To Uplevel Your Dairy Alternatives Skills
- Five Secrets To Elevating Your Oil-Free Cooking Skills
Exclusive One-to-One Sessions like these:
- Online Dairy Alternatives Ninja Class – for India, for the rest of the World
- Vegan Business Coaching
- Vegan Culinary Consultation
- Spiritual Business Guidance (oh yes, this is all woo with Tarot reading and manifestation)
And the best one of all…
If you enjoy reading, being highly entertained, and sometimes learning things about slow living, veganism, business, spirituality, and being a multi-passionate, sign up for my casual, conversational, fun emails.
Is Veganosaurus your real name?
What even is “real”? Do we not live in a world of illusion? Hehe
Okay. You get my first name right for starters. Then we’ll talk about my second name. Susmitha is pronounced su-smith-a.
“Su”, like in super. “Smith”, as in Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie shooting machine guns. “Ah”, what your doctor asks you to say before pressing your tongue down with a wooden Popsicle stick. (Good lord! I’ve churned out a do-re-mi like song out of my name! LOL)
Notice how there’s no “sh” sound? Good.
Now for Veganosaurus. It isn’t a family name (can you imagine if it was and then I ended up turning vegan? LOL). It’s also not my official name (like on my Driving License or Passport). But that doesn’t mean it isn’t real.
I identify as Veganosaurus, and more people in my life know me by this name than my actual surname.
Why do you call yourself Veganosaurus instead of using your surname though?
- Yay privacy
- F**k patriarchy
- Branding baby!
How long have you been vegan?
After a decade, you kind of stop keeping count…
Ha! Gotcha! Of course I didn’t stop keeping count. LOL How can I? It’s the best decision* I made in my life…a little over TWO DECADES ago.
(*Okay fine, second best. The first is marrying my husband. And not just because he’s the one who turned me vegan.)
That’s a long time! Isn’t it hard?
In today’s world of innumerable options, the going vegan part is very easy. But when it comes to handling social situations, watching out for sneaky ingredients, and building a support system around yourself, garnering some in depth knowledge helps make your journey so much smoother.
I’ve developed my signature, deep dive vegan course to help with exactly this.
Vegan Immersion Experience: a holistic approach to living a super joyful vegan life.
Since when do you teach vegan cooking? And to who?
If I hadn’t gone vegan, I probably wouldn’t have become a chef. When I discovered that making vegan food and baked goodies is so easy that even *I* could do it, I immediately began conducting classes. (I wasn’t born vegan, but I was definitely born a teacher! It’s in my DNA or past life memories or whatever.)

I’ve done plant based cooking demonstrations with chefs at Vivanta by Taj, Under the Mango Tree, In The Pink.
I’ve taught vegan cuisine to chefs at Indus International School, IIHM Bhubaneswar, Indian Culinary Academy, AMC College, T John College, Eat Fit, Tamu Tamu, a bunch of home bakers, and also an Abu Dhabi royal family member’s personal chef who flew down to Bangalore just to learn vegan cooking and baking from me and my friend Chef Ram.
My favourite classes are always with the innumerable regular people (vegans and non-vegans alike) who just want to learn plant exclusive cooking.
Wherever I walk, Cashew Mylk Masala Chai sprouts and blooms.

“This is how you make Cashew Mylk.” *blend* *pour* “Ta da!”
“And this is how you make tea out of it. Here, have a sip.” *slurp* *jaw drop*
I never ever get tired of that routine!
You can learn how to make cashew mylk masala chai yourself in my Dairy Alternatives Ninja Class.
Is it true you owned India’s first ethical vegan restaurant?
Yup! I didn’t start it, but I was one of the owners of Carrots Restaurant (2013-2021). Our tagline was Food That Loves You Back.
We had a fat, 40 page long plant exclusive menu, an in house bakery, vegan culinary academy, and the BEST team ever!!!
I got to host and hang out with so many vegan superstars like Dr. Melanie Joy, Dr. Nandita Shah, Phil & Trix Wollen, Kuntal Joiser, Dr. Will & Madeleine Tuttle, Tobias Leenaert, Dr. Joanne Kong. And I made a bunch of awesome friends who started out as customers or interns.
That sounds lovely. Will you open a vegan restaurant again then?
Nope. Teaching and nurturing is where my heart’s at. I’m way happier showing people how to run their own conscious brand. Instead of taking care of one business, I now get to feel the joy of watching several vegan brands blossom and thrive under my watchful eye.
While I trudged the difficult path of a pioneer I made all the stupid mistakes imaginable (overworking, overthinking, crying over useless, time wasting, energy sucking crap…) *facepalm*
So when you’re my business coaching client, I bloody well ensure you bypass that whole painful learning curve.

Every time I have a coaching call, it’s kind of like time travelling back to my starry eyed younger self, gripping her by the shoulders and giving her a good shake. “Boundaries! Don’t even try to please everyone! You and your business are not the same person!”
Hey those are some beautiful pendants you’re wearing! Where’d you get them?
I made them! *smug smile*
Back when handmade jewellery and polymer clay were almost unheard of in India, I had two international Etsy stores. One for my wire and crystal jewellery, and another for my miniature clay monsters and animals. I’d make and ship them all around the world (thank god for highly dependable India Post). This was such a rare thing that newspapers and magazines interviewed me and published articles about it.
Now my wire working and sculpting have moved into the hobby/art zone along with doodling, singing, and learning five new languages on Duolingo. I don’t have to do any of them, but the variety gives me something to look forward to every single day.
My miniature critters appear in stop motion videos (which I record when the mood strikes, twice a year). You can see some of them on my @rudely.awakened Insta and YouTube.
Umm. How the hell do you manage to have so many projects and interests? Don’t you get overwhelmed?
Nah. That’s because I don’t do everything, everyday. (Gaaah. Can you imagine?! haha)
I’m a multi-passionate aka multipotentialite, scanner, renaissance person…lots of other terms for people like me. We need variety in our work, learning, creativity, life…
If I had to pursue only one endeavour day after day, I’d go nuts!
Since I’ve been like this all my life, I’ve figured out ways to organise and prioritise. This way, I not only continue with my current interests, I regularly get to sprout new ones too. I make gentle progress and pivot quite smoothly.
All while having swathes of free time to slack off, of course. Slacking off’s my favourite activity!
Wow. That sounds awesome! Can you teach me how to be a multi-passionate too?
Sure! I’ve built my one of a kind hybrid course + group coaching program Harmonious Multi-Passionate Life just for you!
If you also want to include several interests, hobbies, areas of work, creativity, and self-improvement in your life, you’ll find the program highly useful. I launch it up once a year. Check to see if it’s open right now. If it isn’t, sign up for my newsletter and you’ll be the first to know when the next cohort happens.

You keep talking about living and working “on your own terms”. What does that mean?
“Moist groaned. It was the crack of seven and he was allergic to the concept of two seven o clocks in one day.”
That’s from Terry Pratchett’s Discworld. You could switch “Moist” with “Susmitha” and it’d be completely true. Haha
I wake up naturally, without an alarm and luxuriate in bed for as long as I feel like. The first part of my day is precious. It needs to be slow and gentle. I don’t schedule anything for before noon.
And yet, I’m plenty productive. My business chugs along at a healthy pace, and creativity is in steady flow. I know myself, my energy cycles, and I live in alignment with them. (Way better payoff than when I used to pressuring myself to go, go, go, get everything done, all the time. *phew*)
You step into my world and I give you all kinds of permission to live this way too. No to hustling, and yes to ease.
Your life shouldn’t leave you feeling like a dehydrated cactus husk at the end of the day. I’ll teach you how to live and create and build your business in a way that feeds your soul and energises you.
Yes please! I’m in! What should I do next?
FIRST, if you haven’t already…
THEN, go subscribe to my podcast, The Feel Good Factor on Apple Podcasts (or whichever player you catch your podcasts on). We’ll take it from there!
About Susmitha Veganosaurus
(my bio in 3rd person – for when you tell others about me)
Susmitha Veganosaurus, is a chef, multi-passionate creator and coach based in Bangalore, India. She’s an expert on all things vegan – lifestyle, business, cuisine.
She helps vegan entrepreneurs, creatives, and multi-passionates make things easy and fun for themselves as they build their brands.
Her unique holistic coaching method (which involves some woo) ensures that her clients put themselves and their energy first, while attracting the right community around their brand.
After ditching all animal products over two decades ago, she discovered the magic of plant exclusive cuisine and has never looked back!
She delights in being a full on cliché, tofu loving, “I’m a vegan” touting vegan. This was the most transformative decision she’s ever made, and she’s on a mission to bring this metamorphosis to everyone she meets through what she calls “vegan temptivism.”
Susmitha is super passionate about showing people how to make delicious dairy alternatives using simple hacks and techniques. Wherever she walks cashew mylk masala chai sprouts and blooms.
She’s taught vegan cuisine to chefs at Vivanta by Taj, Under the Mango Tree, In The Pink, Indus International School, IIHM Bhubaneswar, Indian Culinary Academy, AMC College, T John College, Eat Fit, Tamu Tamu, a whole bunch of home bakers, home cooks, and also an Abu Dhabi royal family member’s personal chef.
Susmitha co-owned and operated India’s first ethical vegan restaurant (with in-house bakery and culinary academy). Carrots (2013-2021) was an award winning food business and an iconic brand, much loved in the vegan movement in India and across the world.
Over the years, she and her team at Carrots have hosted and hung out with Dr. Melanie Joy, Dr. Nandita Shah, Phil & Trix Wollen, Kuntal Joiser, Dr. Will & Madeleine Tuttle, Tobias Leenaert, Dr. Joanne Kong, and other world famous vegan superstars.
Susmitha now uses everything she learned the hard way as a restaurateur to make the lives of purpose driven business owners simpler.
Her podcast, The Feel Good Factor: Tips for Joy, Fulfilment and Wellbeing, in Business, Life, and Creativity, has repeatedly hit the Apple Podcasts top 100 charts in the India Health and Business categories, top 50 in the India Entrepreneurship category (and for some reason, the top 50 in the Bulgaria, Macau and Sweden Entrepreneurship categories too).
She also has an Apple Podcasts top 15 (India – Business and Entrepreneurship) limited series podcast, Vegan Business and Marketing Tips: for cafes, restaurants, cloud kitchens, home bakers, and chefs. This works as a free course with a downloadable workbook.
Both podcasts are on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Audible and all other podcast players.
When she isn’t recording a guided meditation, building a course, or writing her highly entertaining newsletter, Susmitha binges on online courses, reads voraciously, sculpts miniature clay animals and monsters, learns new languages, reads goddess cards, makes crystal and wire jewellery, dabbles in gardening…and does several other things, totally based on her mood/season.
She’s a big believer in being yourself, living in alignment with your energy cycles, and spending your time doing whatever you want, whenever you want, however you want to.
Quick Media Bio
Susmitha Veganosaurus is a Vegan Chef, Multi-Passionate Creator, and Conscious Business Coach. She spreads the love of vegan chai wherever she goes, and helps entrepreneurs and creatives make joy, fulfilment and wellbeing their highest priority as they build their brand. She reads voraciously, finds humour in most things, and is most in her element when she’s teaching, writing, and playing with clay.
For more, check out the Press & Media page.

Cannot sing enough praises of this amazing woman
Susmitha is someone who teaches the most complex-sounding recipes – in the most easiest way. Not only does she simplify the method, and the ingredients – she also keeps giving you MIND-BLOWING tips, tricks, and easy hacks – that’s just some golden ish right there. With her guidance – you come to understand that no recipe has to be rigid. She also has an amazing eye for flavours and textures – and shares very on-point technical feedback. I hope to keep learning from her, and pray that her positivity impacts anyone and everyone around!
–Shruti Mishra, Vegan Entrepreneur, Founder of A Little Dipsy and 42px Media
Really like how Susmitha shares her insights and experiences with so much love
Susmitha is a wonderful coach. She brings her own experience and the wisdom of her own journey as a vegan entrepreneur, and her explorations in meditation and mindfulness. She is very joyful and she emphasises doing joyful work in her coaching, not letting things become a burden, approaching things with ease and flow. Lot reminders to be self-compassionate while we are on this journey of growth and contributing more to the world. She’s also firm on doing the right things which are important but which we are not doing. Thanks for your coaching. It’s been really helpful for me in the past few months.
– Santu Mahapatra, Conscious Living Coach, Multi-Passionate Entrepreneur

Thank you for being you, an angel you truly are
I’m a multi-passionate who was struggling with insecurity and a lot of stress. I felt de-motivated every time a client who was interacting with me or a lead that I got did not sign up with my services. The interactions that I had with Susmitha has helped me a lot in realising that I was chasing something that wasn’t right for me. After working with her, I even realised that every time a wrong client walks out, I’m just making more space for the perfect client, or my ideal client, who could respect my time and value me. Every time she shared her own stories it resonated with me and I felt like I had someone who truly understood, and who got new perspective to help me.
– Supriya Suresh, Vegan, Yoga Therapist, Holistic Health Coach, Inner Child Healer