When your energy is uplifted it impacts the vibrations of people around you, your home, your business and your entire immediate environment. Do a search for “Emotional Spiral Chart” (aka Abraham-Hicks Emotional Guidance Scale) and save the image. Then use it to gently guide you to higher and higher emotions.
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It had been a particularly dull day at the restaurant
Actually, a dull week, but especially that day we just hadn’t had any customers at all right up till the afternoon. I could see this cloud descending over my entire team.
Everybody was feeling kind of bored and we were at the risk of slipping down from boredom to hopelessness and sadness.
Nobody likes it, right? You have a business, especially one where your work is about meeting and serving people, and then if people don’t even come there, it feels kind of sad.
So, I realised this won’t do. You can’t just sit around and feel all sad about things. “Oh, this is unfair, it’s not worth it.”
If you allow those thoughts to continue, you’ll just go down the emotional spiral
So, I decided I needed to shake things up. I called the boys, “Come on, let’s all sit. We’re all free anyway, we’ll play a game.”
We had a small library shelf at the restaurant with books, games, cards and stuff so customers could play. So I pulled out a set of playing cards, “Let’s play Spoons!” It’s a silly little game, great for a large group. You don’t have to think too much, and it’s a lot of fun to play.
So, we started playing Spoons. Initially four-five guys, me, we all sat to play. Others joined one by one. Those who were watching were having fun too. And the entire atmosphere shifted. We began feeling uplifted as we laughed and played.

Simply introducing playfulness into the mix made a huge difference in the motivation the entire team felt!
The outside situation hadn’t changed, right? It’s not like suddenly we had an influx of guests, and we were cooking and serving them. But the mindset changed, the energy shifted, and that made a huge difference!
And, you know, by the time the game was done, we were talking, and new ideas were coming up. People were saying, “We could try this to make things better for the restaurant. We could try that.”
Creativity sparked, and we came up with so many interesting ideas together
By the time we were done with that, customers actually began to come in slowly. The evening crowd started to walk in. We had an influx, and we had quite a nice evening! By the end of the day, everybody was busy and occupied and feeling so good.
In your business, your energy, your team’s energy, what vibrations you carry, makes a world of difference. It actually attracts abundance, it attracts good things in.
But first we need to shift our own mindset, our own energy, our own emotional state – we have to do whatever it takes to make that happen
And sometimes, we think that the only way to do it is figure out how to repair things directly. We struggle.
Without that shift from boredom to playfulness, without doing that, the creative spark would have felt forced. It wouldn’t have actually been lit.
Look up the Abraham-Hicks Emotional Guidance Scale
Search online for ‘emotional guidance scale’ or ‘emotional spiral chart’. It’s like looking at a spring that’s standing vertical in front of you. This large spring. In the middle, it’s narrow, and on the top and bottom, it’s wider.
Right at the bottom you’ll find complete dejection. It goes upwards from there, sadness, helplessness, then anger, and slowly it builds up. And finally, you reach boredom in the middle of the scale. Then from boredom, you shift to calmness.
Calmness is the entry point towards the higher emotions, towards the uplifting ones
From there you reach higher and higher and get the right to the top. So, from calmness, you go to, playfulness and cheer (and so many other good things). Then slowly as you go up, up, up, up, at the top, you’ll reach joy, and love, and bliss.
When we’re feeling dejected, when we’re feeling bored or sad, you can’t just jump to the top…The spiral is very useful that way, because you can’t just jump from being low on the emotional scale to the uppermost rung. It’s forced, you can’t do that.
What we can do is see where we are and reach for the next best emotion
Gabby Bernstein’s book Super Attractor has a really nice chapter on this.
Whatever your situation is right now in this moment, whether it’s in your business (like in my story), or in a creative project where you’re feeling demotivated, or a lack of inspiration, or even in your life in general, whatever’s happening, check where you are on the emotional scale. And then try to reach for something a little close to that.
It doesn’t have to be the very next emotion, but maybe one or two steps above, that’s fine too, but reach for that.
Do what you can to shift it slowly and gently upwards, instead of forcing yourself to move to the positive. That is toxic positivity, and that doesn’t work. But this is a much healthier way of doing it.

When you’re really low on the scale, feeling helplessness for example, like complete hopelessness, unfairness, frustration, from there, you can’t shift to calmness immediately. It’s okay to move yourself upward towards anger first, instead of trying to make yourself calm right away.
Anger moves you away from a feeling of helplessness
For example, we have neighbours who play very loud music. There was a time when I’d feel very helpless and hopeless, just frustrated, like, how can these people be so inconsiderate?
It was loud music in the middle of the night, by the way. So, I’m like, “How? Everyone’s sleeping, this is such a peaceful neighbourhood, and these people are making so much noise!”
I couldn’t shift to a feeling of calmness or surrender, though that would’ve been good for me.
There was nothing I could actually do about the noise. So I allowed myself to move into anger. And I indulged. For a short while, I let myself think of all the ways I could exact revenge! Hahaha Not just me taking revenge, but just bad things happening to them.
I allowed myself to picture things. Like, if they’re screaming, I’d think maybe their house is burning down that’s why they’re screaming, or whatever, you know. Or them getting a bad cough, so they can’t shout/sing/talk so loudly.
I just let myself stay in that for a short while. You can’t stay in anger for too long, because again you’ll go down the spiral. But…
Thinking of those things, fantasising that way, helped me come out of the helplessness and frustration
And then, that anger became kind of amusing because of the very extreme scenes I’d imagined. I was able to laugh at myself, and be like, “Oh my god! How silly.”
So from anger, I went up a little bit. Higher up, higher up, higher up, and reached calmness. I was able to figure out a way to be okay with what was happening, and detach myself.
I couldn’t have done it if I’d immediately tried to detach myself when I was feeling the lowest of low emotions.
I’m sure you can think of several situations in your life where you can harness the guidance of this emotional spiral chart
You can look it up, save it on your phone, print it out. There are so many images, even on Pinterest and all that. You just Google it, and you’ll find it. And then, you harness its power.
Use the chart to guide you slowly and gently upwards. “Okay, what’s the next small step up I can take from this thing I’m feeling right now?”
If you’re in a sense of calmness, but you’re not moving, if you let yourself stagnate there for too long, you might slip to the very next step down, boredom.
Boredom is the opening towards the lower emotions going down the spiral
But we want to go up the spiral! So, from calmness, see what you can gently move up towards. Do something that’ll make you feel fulfilled perhaps? Feel a sense of creativity and flow and slowly move upwards.
So, make use of this emotional spiral chart to guide you in your work, in your life, and to make a difference in the people around you. Because, like I said, whether it’s in business, in a household, a project…your energy impacts the energy of the people around you.
As you raise your vibrations, the others also will get pulled along with you
Upwards or downwards, the more power you hold, the more influence you have in impacting other people’s energies. As you go higher, they go higher, and because of that, the entire environment, the business, the project, the household, everything goes up higher.
So, yeah, that’s all I wanted to talk about today. I hope you’re able to look up the emotional spiral chart and use it.
By the way, if you’re here for the first time, this is The Feel Good Factor. I’m Susmitha Veganosaurus. I’m so glad you were here today.
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Susmitha Veganosaurus

“I read voraciously, find humour in most things, and I’m most in my element when I’m teaching, writing, and playing with clay. I believe authenticity and kindness are the keys to world peace. Sign up for myfree newsletterwhere I share conversational emails with stories about Life and Business Tips, Vegan Hacks, Holistic Guidance, and more.“