Working with Intense Emotions, Channelling Messages, Being a Time Goddess and more, with Marisa Imon – Episode 43

Marisa and I talk about loving and working with your lower emotions instead of running away from them, surrendering to the perfect flow of time and much more.

The Feel Good Factor, Episode 43. Young woman laughing and leaning in to the camera. Shoulder length dark hair. Blue sky and digital rainbow in the background. Working with Intense Emotions, Channelling Messages, Being a Time Goddess and more, with Marisa Imon. Bipolar disorder without medication.

This is one of my favourite interviews on the podcast! I love Marisa Imon’s beautiful energy and soothing voice. There is so much to learn from her and be inspired from.

In this conversation, Marisa and I discuss:

  • Living with bipolar disorder medication-free
  • Learning from your emotions vs running away from them
  • Treating your “lower” emotions with love
  • Surrendering to the higher intelligence of “everything’s happening at the perfect time”
  • Being a time God/Goddess
  • How beliefs create reality
  • Tuning into channeled messages
  • Meditation as a tool to be more present
  • The need to slow down and put yourself first
  • And so much more…

I also mentioned my mini course, “Ignite your Joy!” on this episode. Join in for five days of activities, meditations and food tips to help you make happiness your highest priority.

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More about Marisa

Marisa Imon is the international bestselling author of the book Super Intense, an award-winning composer, and host of the unconventional meditation podcast, Incandescent. She lives with bipolar type 1 and promotes the mindfulness skills she uses in her daily life to live well with emotional intensity. She does this through musical performances, speaking engagements, and hundreds of meditations created for people, businesses and apps around the world.

Connect with Marisa on:
Spotify Music (Marisa Imon)
Spotify Music (Holographic Universe)

“It’s been seven years of working with my emotions. To learn how to live well with them vs feeling like I have to run from them or hide from them or be at the mercy of them…It’s not that I’m not getting those intense lows, or intense highs. But now, because I’m not running away from them, I’m being mindful with them. I’m being present with them. I’m asking them, ‘What’re you here to show me? What am I here to learn from with you?’ We work together.”

Marisa Imon – The Feel Good Factor Podcast with Susmitha Veganosaurus

Susmitha Veganosaurus

Shorth haired Indian lady, beaming a wide smile. Flowers in the background. Vegan business coach and chef Susmitha Veganosaurus

“I’m a Spiritual Vegan Multi-Passionate Entrepreneur. I read voraciously, find humour in most things, and believe kindness and authenticity can make this world a happier, loving place.

If my content resonates with you, join my free newsletter where I share Life and Business Tips, Vegan Hacks, Holistic Guidance, and more.

Vegan cuisine and holistic business building are my two biggest passions. If you’re looking for guidance with vegan cooking, or want to grow your conscious business with joy and fulfilment explore ways we can work togetherhere.”