Start writing things down in a notebook – Episode 172

I’ve recently started a habit. Whenever I’m reading a book, if something really pops out at me, I neatly transcribe … More Start writing things down in a notebook – Episode 172

High quality leisure: how to get more of it into your life – Episode 168

This simple little habit I’ve developed has been making a world of difference in the quality of my life and … More High quality leisure: how to get more of it into your life – Episode 168

What it means to be a truly unstoppable force (or an immovable object) – Episode 165

In the Unstoppable Force & Immovable Object paradox, the theory is everything comes to a complete standstill. But what does … More What it means to be a truly unstoppable force (or an immovable object) – Episode 165

How to use the emotional spiral chart in your business, life and creative projects – Episode 164

When your energy is uplifted it impacts the vibrations of people around you, your home, your business and your entire … More How to use the emotional spiral chart in your business, life and creative projects – Episode 164

The magic of scheduling your life according to who you are – Episode 162

No alarms, no hustle, lots of recharging time. The secret of my cheerfulness, upbeat energy, and steady progress in several … More The magic of scheduling your life according to who you are – Episode 162

I am Love, I am Light, Guided Meditation – Episode 157

A meditation to remind us divine source of love and light is always within. We embody this energy at every … More I am Love, I am Light, Guided Meditation – Episode 157

When was the last time you felt this sense of flow and ease? – Episode 154

Play, mindfulness, flow state…we tapped into this often when we were kids, but deny this beautiful feeling to ourselves now. … More When was the last time you felt this sense of flow and ease? – Episode 154

Oh those sneaky unconscious restrictions we put on ourselves! – Episode 152

What starts out as a handy tip about making vegan curds turns into a deeper contemplation about unconscious restrictions. How … More Oh those sneaky unconscious restrictions we put on ourselves! – Episode 152

Harness New Moon Energy for Intention Setting and Creativity – Episode 151

The waxing moon phase, starting on the day after the new moon until the full moon, is a great time … More Harness New Moon Energy for Intention Setting and Creativity – Episode 151