Nine things to do while lazing in bed so your day doesn’t feel wasted – Episode 156

On lazy days we have a habit of grabbing our phones and browsing social media or messaging apps while lying … More Nine things to do while lazing in bed so your day doesn’t feel wasted – Episode 156

When was the last time you felt this sense of flow and ease? – Episode 154

Play, mindfulness, flow state…we tapped into this often when we were kids, but deny this beautiful feeling to ourselves now. … More When was the last time you felt this sense of flow and ease? – Episode 154

Deep Calmness Breathing Meditation – Episode 147

Simple practice with a soothing voice to guide you. Slowly and gently tap into deep calmness with this breathing meditation. … More Deep Calmness Breathing Meditation – Episode 147

Meditation: become a child playing on the beach – Episode 146

Experience the textures, the details, the joy and thrill of a child, losing yourself to the wonders of a sandy … More Meditation: become a child playing on the beach – Episode 146

How to stop being at the constant mercy of your smartphone – Episode 142

Someone: “What would you do if your phone was taken away from you for a day?”You: *horrified* “Oh my god. … More How to stop being at the constant mercy of your smartphone – Episode 142

Writing as a Spiritual Practice – 5 Simple Exercises – Episode 137

Did you hate writing as a kid? I did! I absolutely loathed it. It was such a painful thing to … More Writing as a Spiritual Practice – 5 Simple Exercises – Episode 137

A few simple keys to stop feeling overwhelmed – Episode 135

We can all relate to being overwhelmed! Whether it’s in our big lifestyle transformations (like going vegan), building a business, … More A few simple keys to stop feeling overwhelmed – Episode 135

Stop trying to be someone you’re not, in life, business, or creativity – Episode 129

We’re often being pushed to match some cookie cutter standards in the way we live our lives, how we run … More Stop trying to be someone you’re not, in life, business, or creativity – Episode 129

This is such a delight! You deserve it – Episode 123

The four of us jumped into the swimming pool first thing in the morning. It was so exciting to be … More This is such a delight! You deserve it – Episode 123