This simple little habit I’ve developed has been making a world of difference in the quality of my life and leisure time! And it’s a very fun challenge to take up.
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Heyyy! 🙂 Let me ask you something…When you read the words High Quality Leisure what do you think of?
So I started this new habit, and I wrote about it to my newsletter, The Feel Good Tribe. Normally, whatever I share on my newsletter, it’s only for my tribe. But this is such a nice habit, it’s made such a difference in my life that I had to share it with all of you also! So yeah, here’s the email…
I started this new habit. On a fresh page in my ruled notebook I write…
Today, I wanted to log into Instagram, but instead, I…
- Read a chapter of Julia Cameron’s The Artist’s Way
- Chanted OM for 10 mins
- Listened to The Blue Danube (It’s so much fun! Never fails to make me skip around the house)
(In the email I listed a bunch more activities I did.)
When I feel the itch to check Insta, I pause and consider what else I could do instead (or at least before). Then I do it.
Game. Changer.
We all have an evil little voice inside our heads
You know, the one that comes so close to your face you can feel its breath, and waggles its eyebrows at you suggestively.
”It’s only for 10-15 mins. What’s the harm?”
🙄 Who’re you kidding? It’s never only for 10-15 mins.
”Oh you’re not addicted to Insta anymore. Not really. I mean, you only login twice a week. So go. Indulge. You deserve it.”
Ha! What I deserve is to not get sucked into an endless bombardment (awkward dancing, ad, ad, doom news, reels, two meaningful posts to keep me hooked, ad, ad, doom, anger, more stupid reels) and surface two hours later with cobwebs in my head.
…And pressure in my bladder.
If something makes you forget to pee, shouldn’t it at least make you feel alive, alert and fulfilled?!
That’s pretty much the essence of any High Quality Leisure activity.
At the end of it you’re like, “Get out of my way. I need to rush to the loo now!” But also like, “Wheee! I’m made out of sunshine and rainbows!” *happy sigh*
Is your typical day populated with plenty of smiling happily as you run to the bathroom?
When I enthusiastically ask people to dive into long form content, like the books, courses and stuff like that, I hear a common response…
“Wow, that sounds great, I’m very tempted, but you know, I’ll never finish it, I don’t have the time..”
You DO have time. Lots of it!
Only, it’s being stolen. Sucked right up. Slurpity-Slurp-Slurp.
Picture a Dementor. You know, those evil creatures from Harry Potter? Those. Picture one. It’s wearing a pitch black t-shirt under its robe. What logo’s printed on that tee?
- Instagram?
- WhatsApp?
- YouTube?
- Netflix?
- Threads? (maybe this one’s wearing a onesie instead of a tee, but it’s equally dangerous)
Which social media/binge watching platform is your time devouring, despair causing Dementor?
I’ll give you a few moments to think about that and answer this question to yourself honestly.
What are you addicted to?
Yeah, so now, every time this Dementor sneaks up on you, plant your palm on its face and firmly shove it away. Pick a High Quality Leisure activity instead. And do it.
And if you feel “instead of” sounds very difficult, then at least say, “I’ll do this first, and then afterwards, I’ll log in to…” (YouTube, Netflix, or whichever Social Media).
If you want, you can join me in maintaining an Instead of Instagram kind of journal. Makes it a lot of fun!
This has been a short episode, but I had to share it with you. I had to tell you about this tiny little hack.
Any time you want to access this digital area that’s sucking up your life, just stop and think, “Okay, before that, or instead of that, I’m going to read a few pages of this book, listen to this particular podcast, some music…”
Something creative, something good, something that makes you feel alive and alert
Anything but getting yourself lost down the rabbit hole of Instagram, YouTube, Netflix – whatever it is that’s sucking up your entire day.
I promise you, it’s going to make such a difference in your life. It frees up so much time. You’re going to be like, “Wait, what? Where did all this time come from?”
Alright, this is Susmitha Veganosaurus. You’re listening to The Feel Good Factor. I really look forward to talking to you again next week.
Take care. Bye!
Listen to the episode on the audio player below 👇🏽 (or on any podcast app you like).
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Susmitha Veganosaurus

“I read voraciously, find humour in most things, and I’m most in my element when I’m teaching, writing, and playing with clay. I believe authenticity and kindness are the keys to world peace. Sign up for myfree newsletterwhere I share conversational emails with stories about Life and Business Tips, Vegan Hacks, Holistic Guidance, and more.“