Do you struggle with Shiny Object Syndrome? This one’s for you! – Episode 155

If you have a tendency to jump from one new idea to another in your business or creativity, here’s why … More Do you struggle with Shiny Object Syndrome? This one’s for you! – Episode 155

Oh those sneaky unconscious restrictions we put on ourselves! – Episode 152

What starts out as a handy tip about making vegan curds turns into a deeper contemplation about unconscious restrictions. How … More Oh those sneaky unconscious restrictions we put on ourselves! – Episode 152

Stop measuring your success and worth against someone else’s achievements – Episode 138

Following people who inspire you? Great! Pressuring yourself to achieve everything they have? Not great! Haha This episode is about … More Stop measuring your success and worth against someone else’s achievements – Episode 138

A few simple keys to stop feeling overwhelmed – Episode 135

We can all relate to being overwhelmed! Whether it’s in our big lifestyle transformations (like going vegan), building a business, … More A few simple keys to stop feeling overwhelmed – Episode 135

How to make sustainable progress after starting something new – Episode 134

Five tips to continue being interested in anything and make progress long after the newness has worn off. If you’d … More How to make sustainable progress after starting something new – Episode 134

Stop trying to be someone you’re not, in life, business, or creativity – Episode 129

We’re often being pushed to match some cookie cutter standards in the way we live our lives, how we run … More Stop trying to be someone you’re not, in life, business, or creativity – Episode 129

Playfulness, relatability, and doing everything your heart desires – Episode 119

Whether in life, or brand building, relatability is a game changer. Add playfulness to it, and you’re all set to … More Playfulness, relatability, and doing everything your heart desires – Episode 119

An excellent practice to be productive with less pressure – Episode 117

Here’s a way to go easy on yourself, track your progress and be gently and steadily productive. Ditch your To-Do … More An excellent practice to be productive with less pressure – Episode 117

Recognise and use your privileges for the highest good – Episode 101

All of us have advantages that we’re blessed with. Some of them are obvious, others not so much. It’s our … More Recognise and use your privileges for the highest good – Episode 101