In the Unstoppable Force & Immovable Object paradox, the theory is everything comes to a complete standstill. But what does it mean to be a truly unstoppable force in business, and creativity? And also, where in our life do we need to become the immovable object?
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What happens when an unstoppable force meets an immovable object?
This is a well-known paradox. The assumption is, the object as well as the force are equally powerful, and they’re not destructible.
So in the paradox, because the force is unstoppable, and because the object is immovable, everything just stays still. Nothing happens. There is no result.
The steady object keeps standing steady, and the unstoppable force keeps pushing against it.
Hi, I’m Susmitha Veganosaurus. This is The Feel Good Factor. Welcome! If you like this episode, then you’re going to like my newsletter, The Feel Good Tribe. Go here and sign up.
In the paradox of the unstoppable force and immovable object, we assume the force is solid. But what if it’s flexible?
The force, yes, it’s unstoppable. It keeps moving forward. But because it’s unstoppable, it means that it won’t hit the object and just stay there. It will find a way to move forward. (I mean, this is all a metaphor, so let’s accept this for a moment. Let’s just say this.)
Imagine a huge rock in the middle of a flowing stream or a river. A very forceful river. The rock doesn’t move, but neither does the water come and stop against it. Because it’s an unstoppable force, it goes around the rock. It just flows around the rock.
What if we bring this thought process into our life? The way we:
- live?
- create?
- work?
- do business?
- interact with each other?
Instead of trying to push against an object that’s appeared in the middle of our path, why don’t we just move around it? Why don’t we flow around it?

Let’s say you’re the unstoppable force, and you’re chugging along, moving ahead, full speed ahead, and building something which seems impossible, which seems difficult, and you’re heading straight towards a hurdle, straight at it (and you know there are many more hurdles ahead).
This hurdle is immovable. It’s not worth fighting against.
A lot of times, we stop and we try to push and break the hurdle. We’re like, “We have to prove our power. We are unstoppable!” So we push and force and try to break that hurdle.
Assuming the hurdle has slightly less power, so it’s probably not the ultimate immovable object, maybe we’ll move it or break it and we’ll go through it. But really, was that effort worth it?
Wouldn’t your effort, wouldn’t your energy, be better spent in continuing to move ahead by dodging that hurdle? By going around it, by being flexible and in flow?
Because truly, if you are an unstoppable force, then nothing should be able to stop you – and that does not mean bulldozing what’s in your way or trying to fight against it
It just means you keep moving ahead and you keep flowing around, finding ways through it. Creative possibilities, creative solutions to whatever you come up against. That way, you let the object be as it is. It’s not your problem. It was in your path, now it’s not.
In some cases rejection is redirection. So the object probably even stopped you from heading in a direction which wasn’t the best for you. Maybe, there were more hurdles ahead. And because you rerouted around the object, around that hurdle, you’ve gone on to a smoother and smoother and smoother path.
So, where in your business, in your creativity, in your life are you struggling against something?
Where’s the friction? That force you’re putting in to fight against something? Instead of fighting against something, is there a creative way you can solve this for yourself and keep moving ahead?
And that hurdle being there is not your business. Your business is just to find new paths around it.
Now, let’s say you’re the immovable object, let’s switch it around
If you’re the immovable object, then you don’t give in to any force, any push. You just stand steady and still. And you’re the most powerful immovable object.
Here I’m talking about being your true self, being authentic and being steadfast in your work, in your creativity, in your trust in what you’re doing.
You’re standing strong with full faith. So then what happens if an unstoppable force comes towards you? Either it tries to push against you – if it’s a foolish force, it comes to a standstill, but it doesn’t matter to you. You’re standing still. You’re staying strong.
Or it finds a way to just move past you – leave you alone as you are. If it’s a truly unstoppable force, which is a wise one, it’ll accept you are who you are. You cannot be changed. It should not try to do anything. It’s not its business. And it finds its way around you.
This is how you normalise a good way of living without bothering about social norms, conditioning, all these cultural things that come against you
It will come.
Push you.
Try to change you.
But if you stand still and strong as who you are, it’ll give up trying. And new paths will grow. You know, that whole culture, everything…you normalise new ways of being. That’s how culture develops, how things change and grow. And you become a part of it by staying steadfast as you are.
(As long as, obviously you’re not actively hurting someone and all that.)
We’re talking about just being yourself, shining your light, letting your creativity out into the world
Just doing the good work that you do in a very steadfast way.
There are several situations in your life where you’ll have to be the unstoppable force. And be flexible and flow and really be unstoppable. That’s your business. It’s not about breaking down things in your way.
And there are some situations in your life where you’ll have to be the immovable object. Nothing can move you and shift you and change you because you’re meant to be this way. You’re meant to be strong and steady as yourself.
Look through wherever there is friction in your life right now, in your work, business, relationships, studying…Where is the friction?
In this case, are you supposed to be the unstoppable force or the immovable object?
As in, are you supposed to move ahead and go forward, or stay strong exactly where you are? And then do it, be it. Be flexible where you need to be. Be strong and steady where you need to be.
Alright, that’s it for today! Lovely talking to you as always. Sign up for my free newsletter, The Feel Good Tribe. I’ll talk to you again next week.
Take care! Bye.
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Susmitha Veganosaurus

“I read voraciously, find humour in most things, and I’m most in my element when I’m teaching, writing, and playing with clay. I believe authenticity and kindness are the keys to world peace. Sign up for myfree newsletterwhere I share conversational emails with stories about Life and Business Tips, Vegan Hacks, Holistic Guidance, and more.“