Deep Calmness Breathing Meditation โ€“ Episode 147

Simple practice with a soothing voice to guide you. Slowly and gently tap into deep calmness with this breathing meditation. Can be done anytime you feel the need to bring yourself completely into the present. For peace and stillness within.

Listen to the Meditation on the player below ๐Ÿ‘‡๐Ÿฝ. If you prefer reading instead, scroll down for the script. Enjoy! ๐Ÿ™‚

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Deep Calmness Breathing Meditation โ€“ Script

Welcome to a meditation episode of the Feel Good Factor. I’m Susmitha Veganosaurus and I’m so glad you could join me here today. For more of my meditations, go to my Insight Timer profile. Or find more of my meditations right here on the podcast. Enjoy this episode!

Pink and while lotus flower on  still, dark, calm water. Green lotus leaves around it. Shadow of the flower on the water. Meditative.
Photo by Jay Castor on Unsplash

Find a comfortable spot where you can quietly relax. You can sit or lie down. Just be completely comfortable so that you can meditate in peace and relaxation. Keep your eyes closed.

Now youโ€™re going to relax your whole body, starting at the top of yourself right to the bottom.

Bring your attention to your forehead. Relax your forehead, your face, eyes, cheeks, your mouth. Now move slowly down your body, relax your neck, relax your shoulders and chest. Relax your back. Your upper back, your middle back, lower back. Your entire spinal cord, completely relaxed.

Now bring your focus to your stomach and let your stomach relax. Now relax your arms, your hands, and down to your fingers. Relax all your fingers completely. Let’s move the focus to your lower body. Feel your legs relaxing, down, down, down, relax your feet. And now finally relax your toes.

As you completely relax, bring your attention to your breathing.

Be conscious of it. Watch your breath, move in and out. Now through your nose, take a slow, deep breath in. Hold it. And then breathe out through your nose completely. One more time. Breathe in deep. Hold. And exhale.

Do this one last time. As you breathe in, breathe in peace and calmness and let it fill your mind and body completely. Hold it there. And as you breathe out, just let go and relax completely. Surrender to the deep calmness within.

Everything has become softer and calmer now. Just allow your breathing to flow at its on pace. Watch your breath. Focus on its movement. Watch the movement of your body, your stomach, your chest. The subtle movement of your shoulders as you breathe in and out.

Any thought comes to mind, just let it float away and return to your focus on breathing. Stay here. Keep focusing on the movement of your breath, and relax more and more.

It’s just you and your beautiful, miraculous breath. Itโ€™s calming you and centering you so deeply.

Now, watch your breath as it goes in through your nose, down your wind-pipe, filling up your lungs, and expanding your chest, your diaphragm, your stomach.

And watch your breath as it comes up up up and of your nostrils. Notice how it cools your nostrils as it goes in, and how itโ€™s warm as it comes out. Feel the coolness and the warmth, as the breath enters your body and add as it moves out.

Now bring your attention to your stomach, and observe. The stomach gently goes in and out, in and out, along with your breath. Don’t control it. Allow the breath to naturally guide the movement of your stomach.

Slowly shift your attention to your chest. Watch the movement of your chest. Just focus on the movement, the gentle movement, up and down, up and down, up and down, along with your breath.

And now bring your focus to your shoulders. It’s a very gentle, subtle movement of the shoulders.

As you breathe, just let this movement carry you away.

There’s just you and your breath in this moment right now. Nothing else. You can carry this feeling of stillness with you through the rest of your day.

Whenever you’re ready, take a moment to consciously think about your entire body. Notice how you feel from your head to your toes as you get ready to come out. With your eyes still closed, become aware of the space around you. The sounds, smells and the textures.

Wiggle your fingers and your toes. Rub your palms together. Place them gently over your eyes. Feel the warmth. And as you move your palms away, slowly blink and open your eyes.

Thank you. Talk to you again next week. Take care. Bye.

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Susmitha Veganosaurus

Shorth haired Indian lady, beaming a wide smile. Flowers in the background. Vegan business coach and chef Susmitha Veganosaurus

“I’m a Spiritual Vegan Multi-Passionate Entrepreneur. I read voraciously, find humour in most things, and believe kindness and authenticity can make this world a happier, loving place.

If my content resonates with you, join my free newsletter where I share Life and Business Tips, Vegan Hacks, Holistic Guidance, and more.

Vegan cuisine and holistic business building are my two biggest passions. If youโ€™re looking for guidance with vegan cooking, or want to grow your conscious business with joy and fulfilment, explore ways we can work togetherhere.”