Does it feed your creative soul or suck it dry? – Episode 149

Are you doing something because it’s truly fulfilling, or because you think it’s bringing you joy (while it’s secretly sucking … More Does it feed your creative soul or suck it dry? – Episode 149

Use the Full Moon’s energy to let go of Information Over-Consumption! – Episode 145

We stuff way too much information into our brains on a daily basis. Full moon energy can be harnessed to … More Use the Full Moon’s energy to let go of Information Over-Consumption! – Episode 145

Sick of Instagram Reels infesting your feed? Five ways you can make things better – Episode 144

Picture this: You’re in school. The teacher of your favourite subject walks into class. Suddenly she starts dancing and flashing … More Sick of Instagram Reels infesting your feed? Five ways you can make things better – Episode 144

How to stop being at the constant mercy of your smartphone – Episode 142

Someone: “What would you do if your phone was taken away from you for a day?”You: *horrified* “Oh my god. … More How to stop being at the constant mercy of your smartphone – Episode 142

How my Instagram break changed my life and why I recommend you try it too – Episode 72

As I ease my way back into the jungles of Instagram after my 2 month hiatus, I contemplate on the … More How my Instagram break changed my life and why I recommend you try it too – Episode 72