Nine things to do while lazing in bed so your day doesn’t feel wasted – Episode 156

On lazy days we have a habit of grabbing our phones and browsing social media or messaging apps while lying … More Nine things to do while lazing in bed so your day doesn’t feel wasted – Episode 156

How to stop being at the constant mercy of your smartphone – Episode 142

Someone: “What would you do if your phone was taken away from you for a day?”You: *horrified* “Oh my god. … More How to stop being at the constant mercy of your smartphone – Episode 142

Writing as a Spiritual Practice – 5 Simple Exercises – Episode 137

Did you hate writing as a kid? I did! I absolutely loathed it. It was such a painful thing to … More Writing as a Spiritual Practice – 5 Simple Exercises – Episode 137

Chakra Harmony Meditation – Episode 120

We’ll focus on each of the seven main chakras in this guided practice. Bring them into balance and let them … More Chakra Harmony Meditation – Episode 120

Five simple ways to be kind to yourself – Episode 109

It seems like a no brainer, but often we need the reminder from someone else, “be kind to yourself!” We … More Five simple ways to be kind to yourself – Episode 109

Meditation: Start Your Day with Love and Joy – Episode 108

This morning meditation starts with gentle breathing and light, seated stretching, followed by uplifting affirmations, to start your day on … More Meditation: Start Your Day with Love and Joy – Episode 108

Done is better than perfect, solo travel, relaxing holiday – Episode 102

This episode comes to you in real time recording from way up in the mountains. It’s mainly about letting go … More Done is better than perfect, solo travel, relaxing holiday – Episode 102

Night Time Rituals to Slow Down and Sleep Well – Episode 84

You know those mornings after a bad night’s sleep where you’re a world hating, gloomy-doomy grouch? And then there are … More Night Time Rituals to Slow Down and Sleep Well – Episode 84

Meditation to Love Your Body – Episode 73

Daily self-love practice to appreciate and feel grateful for our bodies. Love your body affirmation meditation. Listen to it first … More Meditation to Love Your Body – Episode 73