Want to begin something new? Here’s how to stop delaying and just get started! – Episode 99

Do you have an idea? Do you want to start something new? A project, a business, a work of art, … More Want to begin something new? Here’s how to stop delaying and just get started! – Episode 99

Five gentle productivity tools for multi-passionate people – Episode 97

It’s possible to make steady, harmonious progress in many projects and areas of interests. These simple gentle productivity tools have … More Five gentle productivity tools for multi-passionate people – Episode 97

Five tips to help you tap into flow state – Episode 95

Being in flow and is our natural state. When we feel this way, life seems so much smoother, and in … More Five tips to help you tap into flow state – Episode 95

Every skill and passion of yours doesn’t have to generate an income – Episode 94

Look, I help people build and run conscious businesses. So I’ll admit I often tend to view things through the … More Every skill and passion of yours doesn’t have to generate an income – Episode 94

Work with the natural cycles of your energy to live in flow and ease – Episode 93

All of us have unique natural cycles of energy that shift and flow throughout the day/week/month/year. Aligning with them enables … More Work with the natural cycles of your energy to live in flow and ease – Episode 93

Meditation: Affirmations for Multi-Passionate People – Episode 92

An affirmation meditation to support multi-passionate people. A few minutes of focusing on your breath to center yourself, followed by … More Meditation: Affirmations for Multi-Passionate People – Episode 92

The unique difficulties and advantages of being a multi-passionate woman in the Indian cultural context – Episode 91

Being a multi-passionate in itself can be a challenging way of living because it breaks certain social norms and expectations. … More The unique difficulties and advantages of being a multi-passionate woman in the Indian cultural context – Episode 91

You might think you really need it, but you honestly don’t – Episode 90

We’re often unnecessarily dependent on so many people, things, and situations. Just because we believe we cannot live without them, … More You might think you really need it, but you honestly don’t – Episode 90

Don’t depend on your willpower, do this instead – Episode 88

Whether you believe your willpower is strong or weak, it’s important to remember that it’s a limited resource to begin … More Don’t depend on your willpower, do this instead – Episode 88

Slow Down to Speed Up: The power of pausing in work, life and creativity – Episode 86

An episode about the importance of slowing down, and how it helps us speed up after the pause. To work, … More Slow Down to Speed Up: The power of pausing in work, life and creativity – Episode 86