Harness New Moon Energy for Intention Setting and Creativity – Episode 151

The waxing moon phase, starting on the day after the new moon until the full moon, is a great time … More Harness New Moon Energy for Intention Setting and Creativity – Episode 151

Writing as a Spiritual Practice – 5 Simple Exercises – Episode 137

Did you hate writing as a kid? I did! I absolutely loathed it. It was such a painful thing to … More Writing as a Spiritual Practice – 5 Simple Exercises – Episode 137

Three questions to ask as you set intentions for a new year – Episode 133

When we make resolutions every new year, we go about it all wrong! That’s why we rarely ever see our … More Three questions to ask as you set intentions for a new year – Episode 133

Start with what you have and the Universe will support you – Episode 115

Want to know a secret to achieving gentle, consistent productivity? Keep it simple. When we start with whatever we have … More Start with what you have and the Universe will support you – Episode 115

Manifest Your Most Fulfilling Life – Episode 111

Why do we need to follow fulfilment above the more surface level, fleeting feelings? In this episode, we take a … More Manifest Your Most Fulfilling Life – Episode 111

Meditation: Start Your Day with Love and Joy – Episode 108

This morning meditation starts with gentle breathing and light, seated stretching, followed by uplifting affirmations, to start your day on … More Meditation: Start Your Day with Love and Joy – Episode 108

How to manifest a happy journey every time – Episode 107

Set simple, broad intentions, visualise, and go forth with curiosity and an open heart. This is how I’ve been managing … More How to manifest a happy journey every time – Episode 107

Recognise and use your privileges for the highest good – Episode 101

All of us have advantages that we’re blessed with. Some of them are obvious, others not so much. It’s our … More Recognise and use your privileges for the highest good – Episode 101

Idam Na Mama – surrendering attachment, expectations, and ego – Episode 100

Reaching this milestone episode made me contemplate deeply about the things that have kept me going with the show. Embracing … More Idam Na Mama – surrendering attachment, expectations, and ego – Episode 100

Divine Grounding Meditation: Connect to the Energies of the Earth and the Cosmos – Episode 98

A guided visualisation to ground yourself into Mother Earth’s powerful energy of love, and also reach out into the Cosmos … More Divine Grounding Meditation: Connect to the Energies of the Earth and the Cosmos – Episode 98