Three keys to help you progress steadily in whatever you’re working on – Episode 150

To celebrate episode 150, I’m telling you all about how I actually managed to make it this far on the … More Three keys to help you progress steadily in whatever you’re working on – Episode 150

Stop measuring your success and worth against someone else’s achievements – Episode 138

Following people who inspire you? Great! Pressuring yourself to achieve everything they have? Not great! Haha This episode is about … More Stop measuring your success and worth against someone else’s achievements – Episode 138

How to make sustainable progress after starting something new – Episode 134

Five tips to continue being interested in anything and make progress long after the newness has worn off. If you’d … More How to make sustainable progress after starting something new – Episode 134

Ease is your default setting: 8 ways to simplify your work and life – Episode 122

“Simplify to Amplify”. That’s one of my favourite quotes by Marie Forleo. For some reason we’re all conditioned to believe … More Ease is your default setting: 8 ways to simplify your work and life – Episode 122

An excellent practice to be productive with less pressure – Episode 117

Here’s a way to go easy on yourself, track your progress and be gently and steadily productive. Ditch your To-Do … More An excellent practice to be productive with less pressure – Episode 117

Start with what you have and the Universe will support you – Episode 115

Want to know a secret to achieving gentle, consistent productivity? Keep it simple. When we start with whatever we have … More Start with what you have and the Universe will support you – Episode 115

Idam Na Mama – surrendering attachment, expectations, and ego – Episode 100

Reaching this milestone episode made me contemplate deeply about the things that have kept me going with the show. Embracing … More Idam Na Mama – surrendering attachment, expectations, and ego – Episode 100

Want to begin something new? Here’s how to stop delaying and just get started! – Episode 99

Do you have an idea? Do you want to start something new? A project, a business, a work of art, … More Want to begin something new? Here’s how to stop delaying and just get started! – Episode 99

Five gentle productivity tools for multi-passionate people – Episode 97

It’s possible to make steady, harmonious progress in many projects and areas of interests. These simple gentle productivity tools have … More Five gentle productivity tools for multi-passionate people – Episode 97

Five tips to help you tap into flow state – Episode 95

Being in flow and is our natural state. When we feel this way, life seems so much smoother, and in … More Five tips to help you tap into flow state – Episode 95