Ease is your default setting: 8 ways to simplify your work and life – Episode 122

“Simplify to Amplify”. That’s one of my favourite quotes by Marie Forleo. For some reason we’re all conditioned to believe … More Ease is your default setting: 8 ways to simplify your work and life – Episode 122

Playfulness, relatability, and doing everything your heart desires – Episode 119

Whether in life, or brand building, relatability is a game changer. Add playfulness to it, and you’re all set to … More Playfulness, relatability, and doing everything your heart desires – Episode 119

Nurturing relationships with the different kinds of supporters of your brand – Episode 116

Every brand or business has different types of people who support it in their own special way. And all of … More Nurturing relationships with the different kinds of supporters of your brand – Episode 116

Recognise and use your privileges for the highest good – Episode 101

All of us have advantages that we’re blessed with. Some of them are obvious, others not so much. It’s our … More Recognise and use your privileges for the highest good – Episode 101

Idam Na Mama – surrendering attachment, expectations, and ego – Episode 100

Reaching this milestone episode made me contemplate deeply about the things that have kept me going with the show. Embracing … More Idam Na Mama – surrendering attachment, expectations, and ego – Episode 100

Want to begin something new? Here’s how to stop delaying and just get started! – Episode 99

Do you have an idea? Do you want to start something new? A project, a business, a work of art, … More Want to begin something new? Here’s how to stop delaying and just get started! – Episode 99

Five gentle productivity tools for multi-passionate people – Episode 97

It’s possible to make steady, harmonious progress in many projects and areas of interests. These simple gentle productivity tools have … More Five gentle productivity tools for multi-passionate people – Episode 97

Meditation: Affirmations for Multi-Passionate People – Episode 92

An affirmation meditation to support multi-passionate people. A few minutes of focusing on your breath to center yourself, followed by … More Meditation: Affirmations for Multi-Passionate People – Episode 92

The unique difficulties and advantages of being a multi-passionate woman in the Indian cultural context – Episode 91

Being a multi-passionate in itself can be a challenging way of living because it breaks certain social norms and expectations. … More The unique difficulties and advantages of being a multi-passionate woman in the Indian cultural context – Episode 91

“Culture Eats Strategy for Breakfast” – in businesses, homes, personal life, and societies – Episode 82

I recently read this quote by Peter Drucker about how the culture within an organisation trumps all strategies and plans … More “Culture Eats Strategy for Breakfast” – in businesses, homes, personal life, and societies – Episode 82