Use the Full Moon’s energy to let go of Information Over-Consumption! – Episode 145

We stuff way too much information into our brains on a daily basis. Full moon energy can be harnessed to … More Use the Full Moon’s energy to let go of Information Over-Consumption! – Episode 145

Sick of Instagram Reels infesting your feed? Five ways you can make things better – Episode 144

Picture this: You’re in school. The teacher of your favourite subject walks into class. Suddenly she starts dancing and flashing … More Sick of Instagram Reels infesting your feed? Five ways you can make things better – Episode 144

What even is this ridiculous obsession with perfection? – Episode 143

Hey! So good to be back here again. I hope you’ve all been having a lovely, lovely week. I’ve been … More What even is this ridiculous obsession with perfection? – Episode 143

How to stop being at the constant mercy of your smartphone – Episode 142

Someone: “What would you do if your phone was taken away from you for a day?”You: *horrified* “Oh my god. … More How to stop being at the constant mercy of your smartphone – Episode 142

The lesson I learnt about self-doubt by launching a brand new podcast! – Episode 141

Every step of the way the voice of self-doubt kept discouraging me. But I did it anyway! I launched a … More The lesson I learnt about self-doubt by launching a brand new podcast! – Episode 141

Simple Grounding Visualisation Meditation – Episode 140

Too many things to do? Feeling like you’re all over the place? Don’t know which direction to head in? Pause. … More Simple Grounding Visualisation Meditation – Episode 140

Chill, you’re worthy of unlimited fresh starts and endless possibilities – Episode 139

I attended my dear friend, Shasvathi Siva’s vegan wedding last week in Chennai. Apart from stuffing my face with super … More Chill, you’re worthy of unlimited fresh starts and endless possibilities – Episode 139

Stop measuring your success and worth against someone else’s achievements – Episode 138

Following people who inspire you? Great! Pressuring yourself to achieve everything they have? Not great! Haha This episode is about … More Stop measuring your success and worth against someone else’s achievements – Episode 138

Writing as a Spiritual Practice – 5 Simple Exercises – Episode 137

Did you hate writing as a kid? I did! I absolutely loathed it. It was such a painful thing to … More Writing as a Spiritual Practice – 5 Simple Exercises – Episode 137

You don’t need someone else’s permission to follow your heart – Episode 136

The subtle and powerful mindset shift I had about life during my first solo travel experience a few years ago. … More You don’t need someone else’s permission to follow your heart – Episode 136