Ease is your default setting: 8 ways to simplify your work and life – Episode 122

“Simplify to Amplify”. That’s one of my favourite quotes by Marie Forleo. For some reason we’re all conditioned to believe … More Ease is your default setting: 8 ways to simplify your work and life – Episode 122

Chakra Harmony Meditation – Episode 120

We’ll focus on each of the seven main chakras in this guided practice. Bring them into balance and let them … More Chakra Harmony Meditation – Episode 120

Playfulness, relatability, and doing everything your heart desires – Episode 119

Whether in life, or brand building, relatability is a game changer. Add playfulness to it, and you’re all set to … More Playfulness, relatability, and doing everything your heart desires – Episode 119

Sanskrit Affirmation of Purnam: Wholeness, Completion and Fulfilment – Episode 114

The meaning and significance of the Purnamada Purnamidam shloka/prayer. A simple affirmation to remind us that completeness (Purnam) is within … More Sanskrit Affirmation of Purnam: Wholeness, Completion and Fulfilment – Episode 114

How freeing it is to be generous without expectation or obligation – Episode 112

To be able do something for someone simply because we can and we want to, is a cause of so … More How freeing it is to be generous without expectation or obligation – Episode 112

Manifest Your Most Fulfilling Life – Episode 111

Why do we need to follow fulfilment above the more surface level, fleeting feelings? In this episode, we take a … More Manifest Your Most Fulfilling Life – Episode 111

Five simple ways to be kind to yourself – Episode 109

It seems like a no brainer, but often we need the reminder from someone else, “be kind to yourself!” We … More Five simple ways to be kind to yourself – Episode 109

Meditation: Start Your Day with Love and Joy – Episode 108

This morning meditation starts with gentle breathing and light, seated stretching, followed by uplifting affirmations, to start your day on … More Meditation: Start Your Day with Love and Joy – Episode 108