Writing as a Spiritual Practice – 5 Simple Exercises – Episode 137

Did you hate writing as a kid? I did! I absolutely loathed it. It was such a painful thing to … More Writing as a Spiritual Practice – 5 Simple Exercises – Episode 137

Three questions to ask as you set intentions for a new year – Episode 133

When we make resolutions every new year, we go about it all wrong! That’s why we rarely ever see our … More Three questions to ask as you set intentions for a new year – Episode 133

Meditation to Say “No” with Love and Confidence – Episode 130

Saying “no” to the wrong opportunities is just as important as saying “yes” to the right ones. But how do … More Meditation to Say “No” with Love and Confidence – Episode 130

This is such a delight! You deserve it – Episode 123

The four of us jumped into the swimming pool first thing in the morning. It was so exciting to be … More This is such a delight! You deserve it – Episode 123

Ease is your default setting: 8 ways to simplify your work and life – Episode 122

“Simplify to Amplify”. That’s one of my favourite quotes by Marie Forleo. For some reason we’re all conditioned to believe … More Ease is your default setting: 8 ways to simplify your work and life – Episode 122

Chakra Harmony Meditation – Episode 120

We’ll focus on each of the seven main chakras in this guided practice. Bring them into balance and let them … More Chakra Harmony Meditation – Episode 120

An excellent practice to be productive with less pressure – Episode 117

Here’s a way to go easy on yourself, track your progress and be gently and steadily productive. Ditch your To-Do … More An excellent practice to be productive with less pressure – Episode 117

Meditation to Breathe and Reset into the Present Moment – Episode 113

Do this short breathe and reset meditation at any point in your day to ground yourself into the present moment. … More Meditation to Breathe and Reset into the Present Moment – Episode 113