Letting go, Learning, and Starting Afresh (excerpt from The Feel Good Tribe Newsletter) – Episode 83

A quick episode about starting afresh this new year. Letting go of and dropping whatever didn’t serve us last year, … More Letting go, Learning, and Starting Afresh (excerpt from The Feel Good Tribe Newsletter) – Episode 83

Key Practices to Follow for a Smooth Ordering Experience – Joyful Customer Delight Miniseries Part Two – Episode 75

How you accept orders and communicate with your potential clients is an area of your business that can either be … More Key Practices to Follow for a Smooth Ordering Experience – Joyful Customer Delight Miniseries Part Two – Episode 75

Don’t Undervalue, Overdeliver Instead – Joyful Customer Delight Miniseries Part One – Episode 74

Keeping Your Customers Delighted, While Also Maintaining Your Own Sanity and Joy is a delicate balance. In this miniseries on … More Don’t Undervalue, Overdeliver Instead – Joyful Customer Delight Miniseries Part One – Episode 74

How my Instagram break changed my life and why I recommend you try it too – Episode 72

As I ease my way back into the jungles of Instagram after my 2 month hiatus, I contemplate on the … More How my Instagram break changed my life and why I recommend you try it too – Episode 72

Here and Now: Reset Meditation – Episode 71

Take a short break in the middle of a busy day. Let this meditation guide you to reset yourself into … More Here and Now: Reset Meditation – Episode 71

This simple mantra of surrender has been deeply powerful in my life, work and creativity

“Idam Na Mama” is a Sanskrit mantra. Translation: “This is not mine”. These simple words are a very powerful affirmation … More This simple mantra of surrender has been deeply powerful in my life, work and creativity

This creative marketing campaign pampered our guests, but delighted us even more

“Oh this is going to be so much fun!” I bubble enthusiastically. It’s late 2018, my business partner Krishna floats … More This creative marketing campaign pampered our guests, but delighted us even more

Shine on as your authentic self and beautiful things will happen for you with Karen Warwick – Episode 69

Experience Karen Warwick’s quick wit and wise thoughts about health, authenticity, growing older, and more on this episode of The Feel Good Factor Podcast with Susmitha Veganosaurus

How my grandmother inspires me to learn, grow and adapt – Episode 66

If this amazing woman who is of an entirely different generation, in her eighties if she can actually use her phone and her tablet like a pro – even though she believes she won’t be able to, she still does it – if she can do it, I feel like right now, with everything we have available to us, all the technology, all the knowledge, everything, we definitely need to keep learning, keep growing, and keep adapting ourselves.