Living Outside The Box with Shivya Nath – Episode 57

Conversation between Shivya Nath and Susmitha Veganosaurus about breaking the norms, being vegan, making life decisions outside the box and so much more.

How to tap into the energy of love and help someone when things are not in your control – Episode 56

Learn how to tap into love energy and help someone by using the power of positive visualisation, when things are not in your control.

Let go of perfection and get out of your own way with Kathryn Ely – Episode 54

In this interview Kathryn Ely and I discuss how letting go of perfectionism helps you be more joyful and thrive in all areas of life.

Emotionally Aligned Productivity with Kris McPeak – Episode 53

If you love your full time job, but also want to effectively use your free time to build a side hustle and have a healthy work life balance, then you’re in for a treat with this episode. Kris McPeak, productivity pro shares loads of tips!

The power of inspiration in life and as an entrepreneur with Adam Schaeuble – Episode 52

Podcaster and entrepreneur Adam Schaeuble aka the PHD (previously heavy dude) shares how you can use your life experiences to build a business that serves others.

Shine your light and raise your vibe with Allison Melody of Food Heals – Episode 50

When you tap into your inner light and shine it out into the world, you can raise your own vibrations and uplift the world around you.

Letting Go of Something You Love – Episode 49

How do you let go of something you love – a relationship, a business, or anything else you’re attached to? And how do you move on with faith that it’s for the highest good?

Be queen for a day and love yourself everyday, with Mahathi Parashuram – Episode 48

My dear friend Mahathi Parashuram talks about why it’s so important to put yourself first, love yourself and celebrate your special day.