Meditation: Start Your Day with Love and Joy – Episode 108

This morning meditation starts with gentle breathing and light, seated stretching, followed by uplifting affirmations, to start your day on … More Meditation: Start Your Day with Love and Joy – Episode 108

How to manifest a happy journey every time – Episode 107

Set simple, broad intentions, visualise, and go forth with curiosity and an open heart. This is how I’ve been managing … More How to manifest a happy journey every time – Episode 107

Two paths to let go of the Ego: Knowledge vs Devotion – Episode 104

“The path of Gyaan (knowledge) crushes the Ego, the path of Bhakti (devotion) melts the Ego.” When my teacher said … More Two paths to let go of the Ego: Knowledge vs Devotion – Episode 104

Idam Na Mama – surrendering attachment, expectations, and ego – Episode 100

Reaching this milestone episode made me contemplate deeply about the things that have kept me going with the show. Embracing … More Idam Na Mama – surrendering attachment, expectations, and ego – Episode 100

Divine Grounding Meditation: Connect to the Energies of the Earth and the Cosmos – Episode 98

A guided visualisation to ground yourself into Mother Earth’s powerful energy of love, and also reach out into the Cosmos … More Divine Grounding Meditation: Connect to the Energies of the Earth and the Cosmos – Episode 98

Meditation: Affirmations for Multi-Passionate People – Episode 92

An affirmation meditation to support multi-passionate people. A few minutes of focusing on your breath to center yourself, followed by … More Meditation: Affirmations for Multi-Passionate People – Episode 92

Meditation: Planting Seeds of Intention – Episode 89

A gentle guided visualisation that takes you through a forest to a fertile clearing where you plant three seeds of … More Meditation: Planting Seeds of Intention – Episode 89

Night Time Rituals to Slow Down and Sleep Well – Episode 84

You know those mornings after a bad night’s sleep where you’re a world hating, gloomy-doomy grouch? And then there are … More Night Time Rituals to Slow Down and Sleep Well – Episode 84

It is Safe to be Loving and Kind: Full Moon Meditation – Episode 70

Kindness is our default setting. But past experiences can make us afraid to be kind and loving. Let’s use the … More It is Safe to be Loving and Kind: Full Moon Meditation – Episode 70